Until there are none, save one. | |||||||||||||||||
Animal Success Stories
Here are just a few examples of some of the fantastic happily ever after endings DROH was able to provide for our animals and our supporters. We'd love to add your story to this page too. Email us at doginfo@dachshundrescueofhouston.org and share how one of our dogs has changed your life. A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Click a letter to find an animal or view all.
Ernie Henson Time for a "Failed Foster" update. Ernie was brought into DROH's loving care, not knowing if he would make it through his trauma or not. DROH decided to spend thousands on this little boy just because of their love for every deserving dachshund. The pictures on the left are after about 3 weeks of 24 hour vet care. There was much rehab yet to do and the group committed to Ernie. Today he is a happy, bubbly little boy that fills the Henderson house with joy. Not to mention wrestles with another DROH failed foster, Paige. They have become close buddies and often do the Dachshund joust to our enjoyment. If there has ever been a rescue organization worthy of your time, home or funds to keep this love working for this breed, DROH is the one. Can you donate? Can you foster? If you can, you will be glad you did!
Eddie Johnson Thank you for checking in on Eddie. He is doing great! I brag to everyone about what a great experience we had with Dachshund rescue. It still amazes me how perfectly Eddie fits in to our family. It seems as if he was made just for us :) He still chews through his collars. (I think he has gone through about 4 of them, lol) We might have to go to a small chain collar. He did escape once, right after we first got him. Freaked me out!! Now we have bricks under our gates. That seems to have done the trick. Jambi and Eddie get along fantastically. We have taken Eddie to the dog park a few times and he does great. He is not intimidated by the big dogs at all. Jambi watches over him like a big brother. He is so full of life! We love having him! Thank you again for all you do to find these dogs homes! We love Eddie!!!
Eddie Earnhardt I can't quantify exactly how in love I am with our little boy Noodles (DROH name: Eddie). It's just too stinkin' much! He is completely adorable. We didn't exactly have an easy start - he's quite hyperactive and very crazy, but oh my word this little boy has become a big part of my heart and day. Actually it's hard to get a picture of him where he's not on top of me, as that's where he likes to be 24-7. My girls are so very in love with him too, and once a week Noodles is subject to getting dressed up in all their dolly clothes! He doesn't seem to mind, as it's a ton of attention for him, and he comes out looking very cute in the latest of American Girl outfits. We are so glad we chose to adopt through DROH, and that we got to bring Noodles into our lives, home and heart! Click a letter to find an animal or view all.