Rainbow Bridge
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Sadie Garnet

Sadie Mae lost her battle with cancer yesterday. She was a fighter all the way to the end. We will miss every bark she gave us and every lick she saved for special occasions.  RIP sweet Sadie

Rescued 1/3/22  Adopted 3/11/22  Rainbow Bridge 1/22/25

Sadie Sue

Sadly, I must tell you Sadie passed during the night. We enjoyed her for over ten years, she was loved, and she gave love more than we could have ever hoped for.     Adopted 2014   Rainbow Bridge 2024



It is with great sadness that I write to tell you that Sage Wrigley Garza  made his way to the rainbow bridge.

Thank you for rescuing him and giving us the honor of being his furever  family.  We had the delight of watching him go from timid and shy (he  would sit on the door mat waiting for his foster father to come back) to a  confident dachshund who had a home and a family that loved and spoiled  him.  He loved his food, cuddles, walks, and squeaky toys.  When his human  sister was in her stuffed animal toy phase, he would run into her room  every morning and claim any animals that fell from her bed.  We buried him  with his beloved bear that he won in this battle of wills.

Rescued - 11/15/13  Adopted - 2/1/14  Rainbow Bridge - 5/18/19
Furever family - Fred, Karri, & Emma Garza
Fursister - Kipper Garza
Grandma - Elia Knight


Sally Rayburn aka Zoe

Sweet Zoe spent her golden years with her special adopters.  She was a true blessing to them as they were to her.  She will be dearly missed.

Sammy Topaz

Good morning. I'm mustering the strength to tell you that Sammy died this morning. It happened quickly. It's hard. I'm not exaggerating when I say he was the backbone of the family.    RIP dear friend.

Rescued 11/30/21 Adopted 8/25/22 Rainbow Bridge 8/25/24

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